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Risa Arin
Founder and CEO

Risa Arin is the CEO & Founder of, a cancer patient experience called “Remarkable!” “Game-changing!” by industry leaders.

After years helping incredible brands like America Express, Nike build their customer experiences and many ground-breaking oncology drugs launch, Risa realized it was a critical time to take everything she has learned and advance cancer patient education to a similar level.

On a true mission to get it right, Risa partnered with cancer patients, caregivers, and health experts to re-imagine how to educate and build confidence in people devastated by a cancer journey. Only with this type of empowerment can cancer patients find the best treatment given their life goals. And whenever possible, not just survive at the end of their cancer journey. But thrive.

Risa and the XpertPatient platform has already won 3 high profile industry awards and was profiled by the Clio Awards team. Risa has an MBA in Marketing and International Business from the Stern School of Business @ NYU and a BS in Consumer Economics from Cornell University.


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