Frequently Asked Questions
Who enters the Digital Health Awards?
Hundreds of local, state and national health-related organizations and companies enter the competition. Recent winners have included AARP, Aetna, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Heart Association, Booz Allen Hamilton, Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans, Centene, CGI Federal, Cigna, CMEducation,
Coffey Communications, Edelman, Elsevier, Everyday Health Group, Health Writers, Healthwise, Hospitals & Health Systems, Humana,
Johns Hopkins Medicine, Ketchum, Mayo Clinic, Optum, NIH, Remedy Health Media, Sharecare, UnitedHealthcare, Walgreens, WebMD, UMR, and more.
What is the timeline for which entries must have been produced to qualify for entry in the current competition?
All digital health resources developed, produced, published or updated between 1/1/2024 and 3/31/2025 qualify to enter the Spring 2025 Digital Health Awards.
How can I submit my campaign entry?
We do not accept multiple elements as a single campaign entry. Please submit each individual element of your campaign as a separate entry.
How are the entries judged?
Using a rating scale of 1 to 100 points, a panel of health technology professionals will review entries based on content, format, success in reaching the targeted health audience and overall quality. Entries will be reviewed over a four week time period. All judges’ decisions are final. Click here to see our basic judging criteria.
What do I receive if I win an award?
All award winners will receive a colorful award certificate, recognition of your achievement on, national publicity and a one-year license to use the awards program logo for promotional use. You will also receive sample marketing and media materials to help promote recognition of your award.
I'm interested in serving as a judge. How do I apply?
You may complete our application for judging.
When will the winners be announced?
Spring 2025 winners will be announced live on X (formerly Twitter) in early-June.
Who organizes the Digital Health Awards?
The Digital Health Awards is organized by the Health Information Resource Center[sm] (HIRC), a national clearinghouse for professionals who work in consumer health fields.
Both the Digital Health Awards and the Health Information Resource Center are independent, and not affiliated with any organization or company that enters the competition.
May I submit a non-English language entry?
No. At this time, all entries must be submitted in English.
Do you know of any other awards program that I might be interested in entering?
Yes, the Health Information Resource Center also organizes the National Health Information Awards[sm], which annually recognizes the nation’s best consumer health information programs and materials that are published or intended for a physical (non-digital) format. If your organization works with older adults, you also may be interested in the National Mature Media Awards[sm] which recognizes the nation’s best advertising, marketing and education programs for older adults.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
For additional questions, click here or call us at 1-800-828-8225, weekdays 9-5 Central time.