Judging Criteria
Criteria for Assessing Content
- Is the health information credible/informative?
- Is the health information provided complete? Is anything of significance to the
user missing? (i.e. drug interactions)
- Is there a clear focus on the targeted health behavior(s)?
- Is there a clear target audience and is the information appropriate for the
target audience?
- Are any technical terms/concepts clearly explained? Does the content minimize
any confusion about the subject?
- Is the information current? Has the content recently been updated?
- Is the health information message clear and consistent? Are the main points
stressed and repeated?
- Where information is from an outside source, is that source properly credited? If so, is the source reliable?
- If there are sponsors or advertisers, are they clearly identified as providing
financial support? If so, are links provided to these organizations?
- Is the organization’s contact information clear and easy to find? Are their response
times fast, whether by phone, email or message board?
- If any outside organizations are linked or credited as a source, are they easy
to contact?
Criteria for Assessing Design/Creativity and User Experience
- Assess the overall design and layout. Is the design appropriate for the
target audience?
- Is there a consistent personality through the use of design?
- Are visuals/graphics relevant to the subject matter? Is there effective use of color?
Are banner ads (if in use) appropriate/relevant?
- Is the design appealing?
- Does the design enhance and support the overall health message, or
is it distracting?
- Is it easy for the user to share information with friends (Facebook, Twitter, send to
a friend, etc.)?
- Is an RSS feed, e-newsletter, or mailing list available for those who want to be
apprised of the latest information?
- Are certain graphics broken, missing or slow to load?
- Is a search function available? if so, how useful was it in obtaining pertinent information?
- Is the information clearly organized with attention paid to user interaction?
How easy is it to find the information you’re looking for?
- Are there community message boards and forums available for users to interact
with each other?
- Are live chat functions enabled to allow users to talk directly to experts
- Is the privacy policy clearly stated and honored? Is it easy for users to see when
their information is being gathered (via confirmation box or other method)?
- Where community forums or message boards are available for users to
communicate with each other, are they moderated? If so or if not, is that policy
clearly stated to the users when they sign up for the boards? Do the users know
what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate within the community?
Overall Considerations
- Does the entry have the ability to attract and hold users’ interest?
- What is the significance of this entry to overall public health interests?
- Does the entry have the ability to elicit the appropriate action from the user?